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No more choosing between practice and rest.

The go-to Practice Journal for:

  • Preventing burnout,

  • Preventing anxiety,

  • & Building a practice life you don't need to escape from!

Tell me if this sounds like you:



  • You are convinced that rest is earned, not required


  • You mostly rely on motivation to practice


  • Staying consistent with your practice is a challenge


  • When you do put in the hours, it still feels like it isn't enough


  • Having a busy schedule makes it hard to balance practicing


  • Feel intense guilt when you aren’t spending all of your time practicing


  • Lack of motivation leaves you wondering if you are worthy  


  • Exhausted on busy days, and feeling guilty for not practicing on relaxed days​


  • Feel bad for taking more than one rest day at a time 

Well I've got some news for you...

Practicing doesn't need to suck 100% of our energy. With the right tools, you can have a healthy, productive, and consistent practice schedule, AND a healthy mind and body. 

The Practice Revamp was designed specially for musicians who want to learn how to enjoy their practice, not dread it. 
Combining our refined method of practice tracking and the innate power of mindset shifting, The Practice Revamp Journal + Toolkit is a MUST for classical musicians.
Part journal, part guide, this 25-page *digital* gem is jam packed with simple and actionable steps to creating a healthy and sustainable practice life. 

What's Inside:

  • Creating a multiple-hour practice day: Step-by-Step guides for healthier and more productive practice sessions 


  • Guides on: Balancing Practice, Prioritizing Pieces, and Creating A Sustainable Practice Plan


  • Building a Chemical Task Force: Guide on finding your best self-care habits


  • Done-For-You Practice Templates for the days when your energy is limited - just plug-in and go!


  • Tailor-made mantras to re-frame our thinking around perfectionism, imposter syndrome, overthinking, and motivation


  • Mindset Hacking: 6 Steps to Inspired Practice


  • 12-month planner for tracking your practice and progress!


For the price of an uber eats meal, you can learn how to remove negative indoctrinations from your practice life and make room for REAL productivity. 

Healthy musicians need two things:


  • Consistent practice schedule

  • Healthy mentality about music and themselves as musicians (and humans!) 

If you want to 'make it' in this music world, you need to have both.

Learn how to properly balance your mental wellness with your practice schedule in the Practice Revamp Journal + Toolkit, and you won't have to worry about burn-out, anxiety, or escaping from the practice room. 

What musicians are saying:

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The Creator

Jalayne is a cellist in her fourth year at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Since she took her first lesson a month before her 15th birthday, she has been deeply involved with music. Within 2.5 years, she had gone from beginner to degree-level cellist. Her practice life has been intense and relentless. Starting at this seemingly late age turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because the unhealthy indoctrinations of the classical music world were not as ingrained into her as many of her peers. It was easy for her to see that many fellow musicians were losing the battle between mental wellness and music.  She knew that having to choose between the two was not right or sustainable.                                                                                                                                                                                                        

She’s now played with named ensembles like the Royal Scottish National Orchestra (Glasgow, Scotland), The BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (Glasgow, Scotland), The Scottish Ensemble (Glasgow, Scotland), Seattle Collaborative Orchestra (Seattle, Washington), Scottish Ensemble (Glasgow), and Brodsky Quartet (Glasgow). In 2022, Jalayne was awarded the Beatrice Huntington Award for Cellists (UK) and the NIMAN Fellowship at the Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival (US). 


When she finished the 100 Days of Practice Challenge in June 2020, she decided that helping fellow musicians create a healthy and sustainable practice plan for themselves was imperative to the classical community’s overall mental health.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

After years of struggling with burnout and chronic performance anxiety, she tried to find a more holistic approach to practicing. She eventually created a practice routine that GAVE her energy, not depleted it. Being able to put in the hours while also being able to live a life outside of music was a type of freedom that she hadn’t experienced before, and she definitely will not go back.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Mental health and wellness remains among Jalayne’s top priorities. Her goal is to share her findings with as many people as she can, because the future of classical music depends on it.                                                                                                                                 

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